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Wet week expected in Monaco

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Wet week expected in Monaco Empty Wet week expected in Monaco

Mensaje  LA Mar Mayo 20, 2008 9:24 pm

Wet week expected in Monaco Ambiance-monaco-z-wri-04_270507

Wet weather is likely to affect the otherwise glamorous running of the Monaco Grand Prix this week.

Weather forecasters are predicting mild temperatures at or below 20C all week, including Saturday and Sunday, and a possibility of rain throughout the coming days.

The highest probability for dry weather is ironically on Friday, when Formula One teams do not practice following Thursday's traditional first day of official action.

Another weather source predicts a dry race for Sunday, explaining that the forthcoming rain for the area may have cleared by the morning.


Cantidad de envíos : 1243
Localización : ASTURIAS
Fecha de inscripción : 11/03/2008

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