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Fisichella eyeing a point in 200th GP

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Fisichella eyeing a point in 200th GP Empty Fisichella eyeing a point in 200th GP

Mensaje  LA Mar Mayo 20, 2008 9:19 pm

Fisichella eyeing a point in 200th GP Fisichella_1

Giancarlo Fisichella will be celebrating his 200th Formula One start at the Monaco Grand Prix. The Roman hopes that he can celebrate this milestone in his racing career with a point at the Principality.

Giancarlo Fisichella said: "Monaco will be my 200th race start, and it feels a long way away from my debut that's for sure, but I still feel as good and as confident as I did back then. Rubens' record of 257 starts will be hard to beat, but there is definitely a feeling of satisfaction to reach this milestone that only a handful of other drivers have got to. Even more satisfying is to know that I have a lot more to give and am still motivated to do well.

"To celebrate this at Monaco is fantastic as it's the best track in the world, one of my favourites, as the twisty track itself is phenomenal, the fans are so close to the cars so you get a real atmosphere, and the surroundings are so beautiful. It's certainly the best place for a celebration - I have to hope that we can celebrate a good result on Sunday too!

"Monaco has given me some good results, but last year was particularly good as I came home 4th when no one was expecting it. It was a result the team desperately needed too. Realistically this year we can't hope for 4th, but one point is my target - everything else that comes on top of that is a bonus. We have a new aero package that will for sure help us, but the whole race is a lottery so you've got to be lucky too."

F1 Technical

Cantidad de envíos : 1243
Localización : ASTURIAS
Fecha de inscripción : 11/03/2008

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