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I'm a real fan of narrow street circuits - Heidfeld

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I'm a real fan of narrow street circuits - Heidfeld Empty I'm a real fan of narrow street circuits - Heidfeld

Mensaje  LA Mar Mayo 20, 2008 9:14 pm

I'm a real fan of narrow street circuits - Heidfeld Heidfeld

The anticipation is rising for Nick Heidfeld ahead of the Monaco Grand Prix. The circuit in the Mediterranean principality is one of the highlights of the Formula One race calendar for the 31-year-old.

"I'm a real fan of narrow street circuits like this", says Nick Heidfeld ahead of the sixth Grand Prix of the 2008 season: "Lots of people have tried to describe what it's like driving through these streets that are like canyons in a Formula One car. I've never been able to think of a comparison that really does it justice, so I won't even try. You simply have to experience it for yourself."

However, as Nick knows, the "Circuit de la Principauté" does pose a unique challenge for drivers: "This is a circuit that's totally unforgiving of even the smallest driving error. If you run out of road, there's nowhere to go except into a crash barrier."

However, the race in the principality is not only a highlight for the drivers - the fans also get their money worth. "Monaco goes quite crazy during Grand Prix weekend. The town and the harbour are all packed to bursting point. Of all the GP races, this is definitely the one that has the most to offer spectators. For one thing, there's nowhere else you can get so close to the action," says Heidfeld: "The engine noise is stupendous and the razzmatazz is simply unique. I always enjoy coming to Monaco. That said, I have to admit it's all a bit too frenzied for me in the long run, which is why a few years ago I decided to move to Switzerland."

Source BMW Sauber
F1 Technical

Cantidad de envíos : 1243
Localización : ASTURIAS
Fecha de inscripción : 11/03/2008

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